Associate Attorney at SmithMarco PC, Sarasota, Florida: Apply Now!
SmithMarco PC is inviting applications from eligible candidates for the job title of Associate Attorney in Sarasota.
JOB POST: Attorney at Feldman, Kramer & Monaco PC, Hauppauge, New York: Apply Now!
Feldman, Kramer & Monaco PC is inviting applications from eligible candidates for the job title of attorney in Hauppauge.
JOB POST: Legal Assistant at Rausch Sturm LLP, Houston: Apply Now!
Rausch Sturm LLP is inviting applications from eligible candidates for the position of legal assistant in Houston.
JOB POST: Legal Secretary at Wilson Elser, Boston: Apply Now!
Wilson Elser, Boston is looking for candidates with 2+ years of experience to join its office at the position of legal secretary. Apply Now!
CfP: International Conference on International Trade in Marine Life and Fisheries by HNLU [March 25-26]: Submit by March 19
JOB POST: Legal Assistant in Business Litigation at Winstead PC, Fort Worth: Apply now!
Winstead PC is inviting applications from eligible candidates for the position of Legal Assistant in Business Litigation in Fort Worth.
JOB POST: Legal Administrative Assistant at Diamond Properties, Mount Kisco: Apply Now!
Diamond Properties is inviting applications from eligible candidates for the job title of Legal Administrative Assistant in Mount Kisco.
CfP: International Academic Conference on Education [Oxford, UK; Mar 24-26]: Register by Mar 10
JOB POST: Staff Attorney at ILU, New York: Apply Now!
The Immigration Law Unit (ILU) in the Legal Aid Society is inviting applications from eligible candidates for the position of Staff Attorney in New York.
Legal Intern at Organon, Pennsylvania: Apply Now!
Organon is inviting applications from eligible candidates for the legal intern in Lansdale.