About the organiser:
Vermont Law School has the largest and deepest environmental program of any law school, and the Environmental Law Center (ELC) is where faculty, students, and advocates gather to work.
Founded in 1978, the ELC serves as the hub for a wide range of activities, including classes, faculty, research centres and institutes, conferences, lectures, and other special programs. All of these activities contribute significantly to consistently high ranking which Vermont Law receives from U.S. News & World Report for environmental law.
About the conference:
The Environmental Law Center is hosting “The Emerging Environmental Law Curriculum,” a conference for law professors on new directions in environmental law curriculum.
The conference will kick off with an address by Bill McKibben, founder of 350.org. The keynote panel on Comparing Educational Theories will feature Richard Lazarus from Harvard and Michael Vandenbergh from Vanderbilt.
Eligibility: Law professors on new directions in the environmental law curriculum
- Teaching Climate without Despair.
- Old Statutes with New Issues (how classic federal statutes still have verve in facing up to emerging environmental issues).
- Teaching Novel Theories (e.g., rights of nature, public trust climate cases, etc).
- The Practitioner’s Perspective (preparing students for jobs; striking the proper balance between law education and law reform education).
Date: June 20-22, 2019.
Location: Vermont Law School, 164 Chelsea St, South Royalton, Vermont 05068, USA
The conference will include dinner and a keynote address and panel on Thursday evening; a full day of panels and discussion, followed by dinner at a local farm on Friday; and optional social activities on Saturday, including organic farm tours and a beer tasting at a local nano brewery.
Contact info: RMilaschewski[at]vermontlaw.edu.