Lambda Legal, New York, is hiring and inviting applications for a Legal Internship from law students who have experience working in the LGBTQ+ community.

Lambda Legal is a national organization committed to achieving full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people and everyone living with HIV through impact litigation, education, and public policy work. Since 1973, Lambda Legal has used impact litigation and other advocacy tools to decriminalize same-sex relationships; challenge discrimination against LGBTQ+ people and people living with HIV in the workplace, in the home, in schools, in health care, and in the military; and protect LGBTQ+ families, including by winning and defending marriage equality. Clients are not charged for legal representation or advocacy and Lambda Legal receives no government funding. Headquartered in New York City, Lambda Legal has regional offices in Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas, and Washington, DC.

About Legal Internship Opportunity

Lambda Legal, New York, is hiring and inviting applications for a Legal Internship from law students who have experience working in the LGBTQ+ community.

Role and Responsibilities

  • Summer interns primarily assist attorneys with litigation and policy tasks.
  • This may include legislative research and tracking, investigation, research, and drafting in ongoing cases, prospective cases, and amicus curiae briefs, in all areas of sexual orientation, gender identity, and HIV discrimination.
  • Interns may also research, draft, and/or edit publications on these issues for public education and may assist in maintaining and expanding resources for our national legal Help Desk.

Eligibility for Legal Internship, New York

  • Successful candidates will welcome the opportunity to work in a racially- and gender-diverse environment and to contribute to a positive and inclusive atmosphere.
  • Interning at Lambda Legal requires a demonstrated awareness of and commitment to the concerns of the breadth of the communities that Lambda Legal serves.
  • Due to the focused and challenging nature of Lambda Legal’s work, we prefer to hire law students with some experience with issues relating to their mission.
  • Thus, a background in or familiarity with issues important to lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people, and those living with HIV will greatly strengthen an application.
  • Commitment to public interest law also greatly strengthens an application.
  • Considering the amount of independent work required, second and third-year students are preferred.
  • Lambda Legal encourages applications from people of color and people with disabilities, including HIV.


Lambda Legal is prepared to provide a stipend of up to $6,000 (pre-tax) for a 10-week internship for students for whom funding is not available.


  • Midwest Regional Office, Chicago
  • National Headquarters, New York
  • South Central Regional Office, Dallas
  • Southern Regional Office, Atlanta
  • Washington DC Office

How to Apply?

Please find the link at the end of this post.

Click here to apply for a Legal Internship in New York