The Northwestern, Penn and Stanford Law Schools are pleased to announce that the Second Annual Junior Faculty Forum will be held at the Northwestern Pritzker School of Law in Chicago on September 28-29, 2018.

Conference Objective

The Forum is dedicated to interdisciplinary scholarship focusing on the intersection of Law and Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics (STEM).

The Inaugural Forum was held in October 2017 at Penn Law. The forum is currently seeking submissions from junior faculty interested in presenting papers at the forum.

Paper Submission Procedure

The deadline for submissions is Friday, June 8, 2018. Please remove all references to the author(s) in the paper. Please include in the text of the email a cover note listing your name, the title of your paper, and the general topic under which your paper falls.

For submission click here.

To be eligible, an author must be teaching at a U.S. school of higher education in a tenured or tenure-track position and must have received their first tenure-track appointment no more than seven years before the conference.

American citizens or permanent residents teaching abroad are also eligible to submit provided that they have held a faculty position or the equivalent, including positions comparable to junior faculty positions in research institutions, for less than seven years, and that they earned their last degree after 2008.

For more details, click here.