Call for ReViews

The Performance Philosophy journal is now accepting submissions for its “ReView” section, edited by Will Daddario and Ioana Jucan.

The purpose of ReView is to curate creative scholarship from students, early-career artists/scholars, and established professionals alike, while simultaneously challenging the paradigm of “reviews” found in academic journals.

Submission Details

Authors of a ReView will craft either an essay-length piece of writing (4500-5000 words) or a creative response (audio, visual, mixed-media) to a book, piece of music, live performance, news article, current event, or facet of everyday life that the author has already encountered at least once before in the course of her/his/their life.

This expedition requires creativity and imaginative thinking. The content of the ReView is quite open.

While the style and content of the ReView could take many shapes, it must ultimately oscillate around two structural elements:

  1. an argument for the role of performance philosophy in understanding this book, artwork, etc., and
  2. an argument for highlighting this book, artwork, etc. for practitioners of performance philosophy (i.e., why is this important?).

Author’s Guidelines

For Publication guidelines, click here.

Short Proposal

Those wishing to ReView something must create a short proposal containing the following information:

  • Name, geographical location of author, area of research and/or artistic media
  • The object/event of focus (i.e., that which will be ReViewed)
  • A few sentences about the specific nature of the repetition involved (When did you first encounter this object/event? What brought you back to it or brought it back to you? Etc. etc.)
  • Either a brief version of the argument that the ReView will forward (related to the two structural elements outlined above) and/or an explanation of how this ReView will benefit Performance Philosophy audiences/readers.

Submission Deadline

October 09, 2018

For more details, visit the official site by clicking here.